The Gospel Truth Is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization

The Gospel Truth desires to reach the world with the Gospel. While that mission is going as planned, TGT needs help to continue this mission. Please consider giving to the Gospel Truth. Any gift will help to continue the mission. There are many areas that TGT would like to engage in. Unfortunately, many of this areas require financial assistance. The team at TGT would love for you to partner with us to ensure that the financial requirements are being met.

The goal of the Gospel Truth is to engage the culture with Christian Truth.
TGT firmly believes that it is the duty of the church to prepare its own patrons for the culture that we live in. Rather that is Apologetics or engaging the culture, TGT desires to bring awareness and equip the church.
Would you be willing to join TGT in our efforts? Please consider this ministry to invest in for the proclamation and advancement of the Gospel.

Become a monthly supporter of The Gospel Truth.

Make a one time donation.

Make a one time donation, or become a monthly supporter.

Please consider donating to achieve the $8,000 goal to procure needed media equipment.