"Mr. Wilson has put together a fine ministry to educate Christians and non-Christians on important theological subjects. I had a superb experience in his communications and production of the debate I participated in, and encourage people to watch his videos."

Dr. Kurt Jaros - veracityhill.com

"I found Marlon Wilson to be an informed and engaging interviewer. I recommend his channel!."

Dr. Michael Licona - risenjesus.com

“I appreciate Marlon Wilson and The Gospel Truth ministry. I have been on the program on more than one occasion and have enjoyed the opportunity to stand with him in defending the faith and proclaiming the Gospel.”

Dr. Jason Lisle- Biblical Science Institute

“I have been a guest on TGT a number of times over the last few years. Marlon is always hospitable to his guests, and does his best to make them feel welcome. He hosted a debate between myself and Dr. Leighton Flowers that is still referenced on social media to this day. His channel continues to put out good content, and provide healthy dialogue for differing opinions.”

Dr. Stephen Boyce - Explain International

“Mike Licona and I were guests together of Marlon Wilson’s program “The Gospel Truth” for an interview on the resurrection of Jesus and the two of us enjoyed it thoroughly. Marlon was well-prepared as he sought responses to pertinent questions, always having another issue ready to go. As his guest, we appreciated that. Afterwards we congratulated Marlon on a job well done as he facilitated our resurrection discussion.”

Dr. Gary Habermas - Liberty University

“I am glad to report that my interview experience with Marlon Wilson was warm, engaging, and fruitful. In an era where more and more of these exchanges are being conducted online, it is good to be able to point to platforms that are doing it well.”

Pastor Doug Wilson - Christ Church

“I’ve been a guest on Marlon‘s broadcast a number of times and I’ve always enjoyed my experience. Despite theological differences Marlon always treats all his guests with respect.”

Dr. Leighton Flowers - Soteriology 101

“Marlon is a man of God who seeks to honor our Lord through hosting discussions and debates. He's polite, patient, has a good sense of humor, and serves the role of moderator well. So, if you want a good venue to have a debate on a variety of topics, Marlon Wilson's Chanel is a great place to do it.”

Matt Slick - CARM

“I have absolutely loved being on The Gospel Truth! Marlon is an excellent host and moderator. I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience every time coming on the channel. Marlon’s ministry has allowed me to better learn different theological positions, as well as present me with opportunities to contend for the gospel of Christ.”

Pastor Jeremiah Nortier - Twelve 5 Church

"Gospel of Truth is a fair and balanced channel that allows people from multiple backgrounds to share their ideas and worldview. Marlon is a great Christian who cares about getting the Gospel out, but in a charitable and loving way."

Michael Jones - Inspiring Philosophy

“When it comes to such matters as the existence of God, the saving message of the cross, and other central truths of the Christian faith, no one is neutral (Matthew 12:30; Romans 1:18-23, 8:5-8; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31). While Marlon, being a convinced and committed follower of Christ, is by no means neutral with respect to the central truths of the Christian faith, he nevertheless provides a platform for people to debate views other than his own and he treats his guests with respect. I’ve done several debates on Marlon’s channel and have viewed many others, and while he is not neutral with respect to the issues that are often debated, he is always eminently fair to both parties. I highly recommend his channel.”

Anthony Rogers - Answering Islam

“I was privileged to have a discussion on The Gospel Truth with Dr. Guillaume Bignon concerning the Molinist and Calvinist perspectives on the problem of evil. Marlon is an outstanding moderator who treated me with the utmost respect and professionalism. The discussions and debates he hosts enables Christians to think intelligently about both sides of important theological issues.”

Dr. Kirk MacGregor - Mcpherson College